



  使用前须对吊钩、起重链条、制动装置等机件及 润滑情况进行检查.认为完好无损后再使用。使用时 必须严守下面九条安全事项。

  Before lifting, inspect carefully the hooks, the load chain, the brake device and lubrication of the block put it into operation

  For safe operation, you must keep six rules as following.

  1起吊重物不得超 过手拉葫芦的规定起重量。

  Don' t lift any load excceeding the rated eapacity of the chain block
Don’t use more than one piece of chain block to lift one single load
Don’ t pull up too high or too down.

4、发现手拉链条拉不动时不可猛拉,更不 能增加人员,应立即停 止使用。

In case of the hand chain fails to move, don’ t pull it violenty or by increasing force. Stop operation and proceed inspectoon of the chain block.


To avoid accidents, working or passing under a lifting load is stricly forbiden.


Don’t use, when the chain is kinking.

7. 不可横拉重物。 Don1 t get the load dragged of the crossing.


  No wild throwing or rough handling of chain blocks.




  No twising. No capsizing for two falls of chains.



  ©使用完毕后,应将葫芦上的泥垢擦净,存 放在干燥地点,防止受潮生锈和腐蚀。

  @每年应由熟悉葫芦机构者,用煤油清洗机 件,在齿轮和轴承部分,加黄油润滑,防止 不懂葫芦性能原理者随意拆装。

  @齿轮安装时,应使用两只片轮的“0”字 标记安装在同一直线上。

  ©起重链轮左右轴承的滚柱,可用黄油粘附 在已压装于起重链轮轴颈的轴承内圈上,再入 墙板的轴承外圈内。

  ©安装制动装置部分时,注意棘爪部啮合良 好,弹簧对棘爪的控制应灵活可靠。装上手链 轮后,顺时针旋转手链轮,应将棘轮、摩擦片压

  紧在制动器座上,逆时针旋转手链轮.棘轮与摩擦片 间应留有空隙。


  ®葫芦经过清洗检修后.应进行空载和重载试验. 确认运正常,方可使用。

  ©在加油和使用过程中.制动装置的摩擦表面必须保 持干净,幷经常检查制动性能.防止制动失灵引起重物 自坠。

  ©为了维护和拆卸方便,手链条其中一节系幵□链 (不焊,涂色)。

  Q After operation clean the chain block from dirt a门d keep it i门• a dry place from rust andcorrosion.

  @ Clean the chain block annually by purging the

  parts in kerosene and apply greas them.lt is advisable that the cleaning work should be one by skilled hands.

  ^ u0,f marks on the two disk gears should be aligned.

  © Stick the rollers of both left and right bearings to the inner race of the bearings on the chain sprocket shaft journal, and then put them into the outter race of the bearings on the side plates.

  @ While saambling the brakemechanism.care should be taken to mesh the slanting teeth of the ratchet discand the pawl. Make sure that the pawl is controlledby the spring sensitively and reliably.Then turn thehand wheel clockwise after screwing it onto the driving shaft, and it must press the disc and the plates on the brake seat. Turning it counterclockwise, there should be clearances between the disc and the plates.

  @ The stay and the right side plate are in transition fit . Care should be taken not to dismantle them.

  Q After cleaning and repair,the chain bloxk should be subjected to non-load and heavy load tests. If it works normally out it into operation

  Keep clean the friction surface of the brake mechanism while lubricating or operating the chain block. Inspect the brake mechanism "frequently so as to avoid faulty braking of falling falling of load.

  For conveniense of maintenance and dismantling, one of the links of the hand chain is open,painted in color and not welded.

型号 Model HSZ」1/2 HSZ-1 HSZ-IV2 HSZ-2 HSZ-3 HSZ-5 HSZ-10 HSZ-20
起重量 Capacity 吨 t 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 3 5 10 20
标准起重高度 Standard lifting height 米 m 2. 5 2. 5 2. 5 2. 5 3 3 '3 3
试验载荷 Test load 吨 t 0. 63 1. 25 2 2. 5 4 6. 3 12. 5 25
两钩间 小距离 270 270 368 444 486 616 700 1000
Hmin heardroom (hook to book)Hmin
满载时手链拉力 Chainpull to lift full load牛顿N 225 309 343 314 343 383 392 392
起重链行数 No. of load chain fall lines 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 8
起重链条圆钢直径 Diameter of load chain毫米mm 6 6 8 6 8 10 10 10
主要尺寸 Diamensions 毫米刪 A 120 142 178 142 178 210 358 580
  B 108 122 139 122 139 162 162 189
  C 24 28 34 34 38 48 64 82
  D 120 142 178 142 178 210 210 210
净重 Net weight 公斤Kg 9.5 10 16 14 24 36 68 155
装箱毛重 Gross Weight 公斤Kg 12 13 20 17 28 45 83 193
装箱尺寸(长X宽X高) 28X21X17 30X24X18 34X29X20 33X25X19 38X30X20 45X35X24 62X50X28 70X46X75
Packing measurement (L*W*H) ;里不
起重高度每增加1米应增加的重量 Kg Extra weight meter of extra lift 厶叮 g 1.7 1.7 2.3 2.5 3.7 5.3 9.7 19.4
